1 The Basics


Hello, World!

Meteoric comes with a set of default "writers" (JavaScript functions which understand how to output HTML to the DOM) for common primitive types such as "string", "integer", "decimal", "url".

// Build a simple object
var hello = {
    "type": "string",
    "value": "Hello, World"

// Add <div id="helloDiv" /> before this script
$("#helloDiv").meteoric({ entity: hello });

Using the "businessObject" writer

There is a built in writer for the type "businessObject". This writer looks for a "fields" property, which is an array of entities and writes these out (based on the "type" property of each field in the array).

// Build a simple businessObject
var simpleBusinessObject = {
    // Every entity must have a "type" property. 
    // This is used to identify the "writer" that will be used to render this object.
    "type": "businessObject",
    "fields": [{
       "type": "string",                // This will use the "string" writer
        "value": "Hello, World!",
        "displayName": "Greeting:"      // The string writer also supports editing. 
                                        // "displayName" lets you set the prompt for
                                        // the text field when editing (see below).

$("#helloWorldShow").meteoric({ entity: simpleBusinessObject });


Reusing a metadata entity for different purposes

Writers get given a "context" as well as the entity they are to write. The context.mode property identifies either "create", "read" (read is the default, if "mode" doesn't have a value), "update" or "delete":

$("#helloWorldCreate").meteoric({ entity: simpleBusinessObject, mode: "create" });


$("#helloWorldUpdate").meteoric({ entity: simpleBusinessObject, mode: "update" });


$("#helloWorldDelete").meteoric({ entity: simpleBusinessObject, mode: "delete" });


The "businessObject" writer also understands the "context.mode" property, and tries to build an appropriate form around the fields it renders, as you can see from the displays above.